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We started breeding these wonderful animals back in 2018. Originally we did not plan to operate as a professional Pet Breeder, we just wanted a wonderful pet for ourselves. However, we became hooked and soon we added a second and then a third colony to our family.

After acquiring a lot of information about the breeding process, we decided to do our part in preserving it, which led to the birth of our gliders to our program. Since then, we’ve known so much love, joy and excitement! Contact us to find out more.

Sugar Glider Care: About

When choosing a cage, choose the largest that you can afford and that you are able to handle during cleaning time. The minimum height cage for 2 to 3 gliders is 36 inches. 

Bar spacing should be 1/2 inch or less and the bars must be powder or pvc coated.  Reptariums are also suitable but not if you have chewers as gliders have the potential for escaping if they chew a hole. Here at our house, we have a 5 foot tall powder coated cage that houses 4 gliders. Photos of our cage can be found on the 'Tips For Super Fun Cages' tab of this site.

Sugar Gliders are smart, emotional little animals that need and thrive on enrichment. If kept in a cage without proper toys and stimulating playthings they can and will incur stress and depression, aggressive or withdrawn behavior.  Ideal sugar glider toys are those that have a diverse amount of texture and that encourage the natural foraging instincts.

Having three or more toys in the cage at all times and rotating them weekly, will likely prevent boredom and provide the proper stimulation they need. Fleece vines and safe branches encourage climbing exercise. Manzanita and grapevine branches can be found at most local pet stores.

Toy safety is very important as well as having a safe wheel which is a must for a healthy and happy glider.  Store bought wheels designed for small animals are not safe for sugar gliders.

The center mounted bar can and often does cause tail injury and amputation. 
My gliders and I prefer the Stealth or Freedom Wheel found here: or the Custom Cruiser found here:



Chewers: Gliders often love to chew things. It's fun for them. Better for them to chew replaceable things, than things that you don't want them to chew!

This is why some type of hanging toy bin is very beneficial. Fill it with cheap, safe, and replaceable chew toys. Toys like: cut up straws, plastic jacks (no metallic), plastic army men, plastic barrel of monkeys, a little wiffle ball or two, and my gliders favorite chew toy...some washed and rinsed milk and juice rings that have been cut off of the bottles/jugs. The cut is also a must for safety, as gliders love to try to 'wear' these and they could get them caught around their heads or waists.


While having a larger cage is beneficial, gliders also need 'out of cage' time. I have a small glider safe room but lots of glider owners also use tents. The most popular is the Genji tent. Some use a glider-proofed bathroom. (towel under the door, toilet lid and any drains closed, etc.) If you can't devote a decent amount of time, please at least compensate for a larger cage and more interactive toys. 

There are a few different trusted diets we've tried but these are our favorites:


The Pet glider Diet, aka TPG Diet

(you will need their vitamins to sprinkle on the food)


BML Diet


Many glider owners do not realize how important keeping up with nail growth is until it is too late. Without consistent upkeep with nail trimmings, gliders can get caught on fabric and cage items. Disfigurement and cases of death are often the outcome of this. However, many people are afraid or don't know how to trim their glider's nails, or are not aware that trimmings need to be done every few weeks.  

I offer nail trimming, and will also show you tips and tricks on how to clip your babies nails.

It is important to have an established glider vet for routine fecals. (One who is well versed enough to deal with glider emergencies as well) 
Sugar gliders can and often do contract parasites. It is critical to have a fecal float/smear test when bringing home a new suggie and a SNAP test for giardia is always a good precaution.


Owners should check for parasites w/gliders just like they would with a puppy or kitten. Without the proper treatment, parasites can and most likely will cause death. Have fecals done yearly, even for healthy gliders. 

*The care suggestions on this site is not intended to replace the professional care a licensed vet can and should provide*

Sugar Glider Care: Text
Sugar Glider Care: Image

Handling Your New Sugar Glider

Sugar Gliders will need some time in getting used to their new owners & surroundings.

You don't want to rush or scare your glider by grabbing him quickly and unexpectedly. Calmly talk to ten while they are in their pouch. Imagine if you were that tiny and a giant hand came from nowhere and woke you up!

You will want to handle your new sugar glider very gently using a cupped hand so that your glider feels as though his/her body is supported. You will want to handle your new sugar glider daily once you get him/her so the bonding process will start. Sugar Gliders are nocturnal, so the best time to handle them is preferably in the mornings just before they go to sleep or before they get up at night.

You must work with them daily so that they become familiar with your scent which will make your glider more trusting of you. They will have to get used to all the new sounds, sights, smells, and food that are now part of their new home. During this time, it is recommended that you try to hand feed your pet some treats he/she may enjoy (such as grapes, yogurt drops or dried fruits). This will get him used to seeing your face and smelling your scent. At this point the bonding process has begun. A bonded sugar glider makes the most wonderful companion.



Do I need to get two Sugar Gliders or is it okay to just have one? YES, YES YES.

Sugar Gliders are definitely group animals. While one can survive without a companion, he typically won't thrive. Gliders crave companionship and you may not have the necessary time to socialize and play with him EVERY DAY. They love to cuddle while sleeping, and they love to groom each other, as well as play together. It takes 2 to cuddle, and 2 can keep each other entertained when you don't have the time. If you can afford 2… then get 2. If you choose have a single glider, remember you are the only contact it will have. So be a responsible owner and spend lots of time with your friend.



Sugar Glider Care: Text
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